Posts Tagged "parenting"

So You Had A Bad Day?

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So You Had A Bad Day?

Have you ever had dark thoughts? I mean the type of thoughts that make it hard for you to look in the mirror or consider yourself a “good person”. Those are the kind of thoughts I’ve been battling for months. I’ve been so consumed with sadness that it has been easier to talk about everything else but the one thing that is truly bothering me. Why? Because there is nothing worse than when a person catches you when you’ve hit your bottom. It’s the equivalent of crying at work (I HATE CRYING AT WORK!!!). But, I’ve realized that I’m being a hypocrite. The reason I started Mommy’s Open Diary is...

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When The Juggler Falls

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When The Juggler Falls

I’m a juggler. I pride myself on being able to handle multiple tasks and not drop one. The key is staying as emotionally stable as possible. As long as I don’t FREAK OUT, I can juggle all day and not break a sweat. But, a few weeks ago, everything crashed around me. I was not feeling well throughout the month of February (hence the sporadic postings…sorry!).  Last year, I had my thyroid removed, so I am often tired but I take B-12 supplements to help maintain my energy. We are currently in the middle of selling our home and trying to purchase a new one, which means numerous “showings”...

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If I Had A Clone…

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If I Had A Clone…

If I had a clone, how easy it would be The things I would accomplish would be no small feat. The first clone would be dedicated to my son She would never tire of reading stories and would always be ready to run. Still, my list is too long, how will I achieve it At least three more clones are surely needed! One for my job, Dedicated and true, She would handle all the crap I hate to do. The second would be the Cinderella of the crew Washing and cleaning and cooking too. The third would focus on my personal upkeep Push-ups don’t do themselves, nor do my hair or my feet. My brows would stay...

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What The Daughter Does, The Mother Did!

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What The Daughter Does, The Mother Did!

Everyone keeps asking me, when are you having another baby. Well, that’s a topic for another post. Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to having another child, but if it were to happen I’d want another son. I love little boys. My husband has begged me to stop saying that out loud because it sounds creepy, like Chris Hansen may bust into our living room with cameras rolling. What I am trying to say is that I’ve always felt I would be a better mother to a boy. Sometimes I think it is because of my close relationship with my younger brother, but most of the times it is because I remember how I...

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Women Without Children Are Selfish?!

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Women Without Children Are Selfish?!

(standing in line at Bank of America with S Dot…an older lady stands behind us) Her: Your son is so handsome! Me: Aww, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Her: You just don’t see enough women like you having children. Me: <hmm, I’m not sure I like where this is going.> Her: Women get educated and decide they don’t want to have babies. It’s just selfish! Me: <cautiously> I can’t say that I agree. It’s not selfish; it’s their choice. Teller: I can help the next person in line. Me: <Thank God!> I always told myself I wasn’t going to have children. My plan was to move...

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