Moby Wrap

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I am team Moby Wrap…my husband is too. At first, we tried carrying Shawn in something very similar to the Chicco and BABYBJORN Baby Carrier, but Shawn just seemed to slump lifelessly. He looked like dangling play-doh. It was rather sad!  Once he was about 8lbs. I went online to try to find something that held Shawn closer to my chest and swaddled him because I really didn’t like his arms and legs dangling.  I ordered my Moby right away; I read the instruction carefully and watched every instructional video that exist because we did not want to suffocate him.

“I honestly found some of the looks of judgment I received to be hilarious.”

After a few tries I was a pro. It was like magic, not only did I have more flexibility to move and get things done, but Shawn always fell asleep in the wrap. The Newborn Hug Hold was my go to for a good amount of time, and then we moved up as Shawn became older.

It is funny because as an African-American woman the wraps seemed very similar to material used in various cultures to hold infants while working or nursing, but yet quite a few African-American women I met while walking around my city seemed confused by the “contraption”. I honestly found some of the looks of judgment to be hilarious. Even in my family…

Thanksgiving 2011

I was at my family’s house for dinner, and Shawn was beginning to get fussy because he was ready for his nap. So, I grabbed him and began wrapping him in the Moby.

My Uncle: Hmm, <starring> what are you doing to Shawn?

Me: I’m putting him in my Moby Wrap so he’ll fall to sleep.

My Uncle: Did Africa teach you that?

Me: <laughing> Yes, the entire continent of Africa knocked on my door and gave me instructions!!

Tips that Worked for Us

  • Do not give up on the wrap. I cannot speak for anyone else’s experience but it took a few times to get Shawn use to the wrap. And, he still fussed for a few minutes while in it, but within 10 minutes or so he was calm.

I wish I would have purchased two wraps, so when one is dirty I would have another to use while the other was being washed.

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