
Delivery Fight Club

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Delivery Fight Club

Now as I prepare for the birth of the twins, I find myself thinking back to the delivery of my first child, S Dot. Before delivering my son, I asked every mother I knew, “How does child birth feel?”… and the clearest answer I received was, “imagine your worst menstrual cramps and multiply times 100”. Let’s just say that did not nearly detail what I felt. But my girlfriend/hair stylist (who has an 11 and 13 year old) told me a woman is not suppose to tell a new mother what delivering a child feels like, as to avoid scaring her. I guess it’s like the first rule of Fight Club. There...

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So You Had A Bad Day?

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So You Had A Bad Day?

Have you ever had dark thoughts? I mean the type of thoughts that make it hard for you to look in the mirror or consider yourself a “good person”. Those are the kind of thoughts I’ve been battling for months. I’ve been so consumed with sadness that it has been easier to talk about everything else but the one thing that is truly bothering me. Why? Because there is nothing worse than when a person catches you when you’ve hit your bottom. It’s the equivalent of crying at work (I HATE CRYING AT WORK!!!). But, I’ve realized that I’m being a hypocrite. The reason I started Mommy’s Open Diary is...

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Where The Hell Is MOD?

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Where The Hell Is MOD?

Here’s some honesty for you. We are two weeks away from selling our home–which has been an ordeal in it of itself. And, guess what? We still have not found a new house. So, now we are faced with the dilemma of being “all-packed-up with nowhere to go”. This is in addition to dealing with the worst first trimester a woman could ask for….I’m talking ALL DAY nausea, migraine headaches, body soreness, constipation, exhaustion, extreme swelling, congestion, heartburn…Oh, did I mention ALL DAY NAUSEA?!? There are days I’m literally numb with pain. And, it’s not as if I can just call out...

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When The Juggler Falls

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When The Juggler Falls

I’m a juggler. I pride myself on being able to handle multiple tasks and not drop one. The key is staying as emotionally stable as possible. As long as I don’t FREAK OUT, I can juggle all day and not break a sweat. But, a few weeks ago, everything crashed around me. I was not feeling well throughout the month of February (hence the sporadic postings…sorry!).  Last year, I had my thyroid removed, so I am often tired but I take B-12 supplements to help maintain my energy. We are currently in the middle of selling our home and trying to purchase a new one, which means numerous “showings”...

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Natural Birth— How “Dare” I?!

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Natural Birth— How “Dare” I?!

I delivered our son after 16 hours of labor without medication. Up until the last push, the nurses told us that our hospital room was one of the quietest they had ever witnessed. Why? Because it took all of my concentration to focus on what was happening to me. Now, before I continue… do you remember that obnoxious kid in grade school whose eyes got a little wider when they were faced with the treacherous “double dare”? Yeah, I was that child. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have an incessant need to prove myself. It’s a horrible trait and I’m working on it. In my second trimester...

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My Baby Story: Are These Contractions or Braxton Hicks?

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My Baby Story: Are These Contractions or Braxton Hicks?

Now that my son is a year and a half I’ve been in a reflecting  mood. If you are from the East Coast and you gave birth on August 24, 2011, than our stories start off very similar. My son S Dot was born the day after the East Coast’s first major earthquake and the day before Hurricane Irene. On, August 24th, I woke-up in the middle of the night and felt stomach cramps but couldn’t distinguish whether these were the usual braxton hicks I had been experiencing for a few weeks or real contractions. Here I was, one o’clock in the morning actually Googling “What do contractions feel like”?...

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If I Had A Clone…

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If I Had A Clone…

If I had a clone, how easy it would be The things I would accomplish would be no small feat. The first clone would be dedicated to my son She would never tire of reading stories and would always be ready to run. Still, my list is too long, how will I achieve it At least three more clones are surely needed! One for my job, Dedicated and true, She would handle all the crap I hate to do. The second would be the Cinderella of the crew Washing and cleaning and cooking too. The third would focus on my personal upkeep Push-ups don’t do themselves, nor do my hair or my feet. My brows would stay...

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